Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm back and blogging, baby!

Well, I was away from this blog for some time launching my own cartoon syndicate to distribute my comics. DBR Media, unfortunately, went out of business and I had to scramble to get my comic work out to newspapers. So, I formed GeorgeToon, Inc. and and went to work distributing my comics.

It's been a real adventure and I'm making steady progress. but, I'm also considering creating a daily (or weekly) blog featuring all my comic features.

I'd be interested in hearing from visitors of this blog. Would you like to see my comics online in a blog? Would you like to read about my work routine? Please leave a comment and let me know.


ranti said...

Mark, welcome back. Yes, now that you're back with your linux and cartoons, I would definitely read them online. :-)

MSzorady said...

Thanks, ranti.:) I'm investigating the process.:) I have a blog lined up and a domain already registered.:)