Friday, July 10, 2009

Lightning Brushes

Yesterday, I posted a friendly reminder about lighting and protecting your computer.

I needed an image for the post, and quickly turned to The Gimp to create it.  And it was easy!

I first went to Deviant Art and downloaded lighting brushes for Gimp. You can get those here.

Extract the file and drop it into your /.gimp/brushes folder.

Then, Open Gimp, select the brush tool, scroll down the brush tool menu and select a lighting bolt. Adjust the color and size and click the mouse on your canvass.  You've just created a lighting bolt!

Use a dark solid color as a background so the lighting effect stands out.  For added effect, I used a dark gradient.

Get Linux, Get Gimp, get creative!


Anonymous said...

Hi! There's been no new posts for a while. I hope you're on vacation and not sick.

Just to let you know there are some of us who visit your blog regularly.


MSzorady said...

Hi, yoyo,:)

Yep! I'm still here!:) Not sick at all.:) Thanks for your concern. I've been busy sorting out a couple of projects. One of which has been making the move to PCLinuxOS. It's now installed on both my laptop and desktop. I'll be talking about this more.:) Stay tuned.:)