These folks were able to help you over the rough spots. You sat down with them, face to face, and were given hands on instruction. Only then did you realize that Windows wasn't such a tough operating system to learn. Someone showed you a keystroke or mouse move and suddenly, Windows became quite easy to use!
It's the same thing with Linux. Linux has a familiar look and feel to Windows, but, at first, some things may seem a bit foreign to you.
Wouldn't it be great to have someone show you, face to face, how some of these Linux features worked?
Well, that's where the LUGs come in. LUGS are Linux User Groups. Simply put, A Linux Users' Group (LUG) is a Linux club. It's a local community group made up of Linux users who provide support, help and education for Linux users, particularly newer, less experienced Linux users ("Newbies"). Linux User Groups meet in person. It's at these meetings that new users can get the hands on help that is sometimes necessary in understanding a new OS like Linux.
Locations for Linux user groups can be found online here.
Another great way to help familiarize yourself with Linux is to attend a local LinuxFest. a LinuxFest is a conference sponsored by local area Linux user Groups, corporations, and other groups and businesses. At these weekend long Linux Fests, folks can attend talks on Linux, try out the latest software and hardware from exhibitors, and meet with other Open Source Software professionals and enthusiasts.
Just like when you were learning Windows (or Mac), if you meet others who run Linux, Linux will become quite easy for you to run, as well.
Get Linux. It's easy to use and there are lots of other Linux users ready and happy to help you.
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