It appears that a link to the Storm Worm virus is being sent via an E-card. A bogus Valentine's Day E-card arrives in the recipients inbox and dupes them into clicking this link and accidentally downloading the virus on to their PC.
"The e-mail directs the recipient to click on a link to retrieve the electronic greeting card (e-card). Once the user clicks on the link, malware is downloaded to the Internet-connected device and causes it to become infected and part of the Storm Worm botnet. A botnet is a network of compromised machines under the control of a single user."
What folks fail to realize is, this virus is targeting Windows Systems! Get the target of your back! Get Linux! Linux is immune to malicious Windows' Viruses and malware. Linux is also more secure and stable than windows.
So, insure yourself of having a safe and happy Valentine's Day. Get Linux.
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